Westin Waterfront Hotel
425 Summer Street
Boston, MA
Alcohol, Art, Business, Date Idea, Festivals & Fairs, Food, Innovation, Lectures & Conferences, Meetup, Music, Nightlife, Performing Arts, Social Good, Sports & Active Life, Tech
Event website:
The Dreams Tasting Conference gives women a 'taste' of 50 different activities: start that novel or business, learn to dance, and everything in between.
50 Different Activities
10 Unique Categories
*Culinary and Mixology
*Dance and Movement
*Health and Physical Activity
*Circus Arts
*Art of Style
*Home Design and Decor
* Art: Performance, Visual, and Literacy
* Professional Development
* Personal Adventure and Exploration
Follow you heart, let go of fear, and put aside everything but your own needs for a day.