Westin Copley Place, Boston
10 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02216
Good for Groups, Party, Social Good
Event website:
The Dream Big! 15th Anniversary All Star Gala and Auction will take place on Friday, November 15, 2024 at the Westin Copley Place. The event will benefit Dream Big! and the important work we do to provide thousands of girls and young women from economically disadvantaged communities with the equipment, athletic footwear, sports attire, program fees, and leadership training needed for them to participate in sports and physical activities that contribute to their health, education, and overall well-being.
The All-Star Gala & Auction will be our largest fundraising event of the year and the evening will include a cocktail reception, live and silent auction, dinner, an award ceremony, and appearances from some of our great athletes.
This is an important event for Dream Big! and we hope you will join us this year as we celebrate our 15th Anniversary event, or your support can come in any of the following ways:
· Become an Event Sponsor: There are several levels available, see attached information.
· Purchase a Corporate Table or Tickets to the Event
· Purchase Advertising Space in the Dream Big! 15th Anniversary All Star Gala & Auction Event Program
· Donate an auction item, gift certificate or package for the live or silent auction.
Over the past fourteen years Dream Big! equipment, sports attire and athletic footwear donations, program and college showcase scholarships, sports clinics and the Dream Big! Leadership Conferences for urban female athletes has had a direct impact on over 85,000 girls and young women in need.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Leslie Ruchala, Director of Development, at [email protected].
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
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Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 9:00a
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