Saturday, Apr 14, 2018 9:00a -
Sunday, Apr 15, 2018 7:00p

Down Under School of Yoga: Cambridge
2000 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, MA 02140

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Festivals & Fairs, Lectures & Conferences, Sports & Active Life

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The celebration of community returns to Down Under Cambridge in 2018. Join the teachers you know and love as they offer a variety of mini-workshops, allowing you to savor a taste of what's inspiring them.

$35 gets you a weekend wristband.

9–10:15am Up the Mountain with Justine Cohen
10:30–11:15am Happy Hips with Kate Heffernan
11:30–12:15pm Strength & Stretch with Larisa Forman
12:30–1:15pm Functional Binding with Masaaki Okamura
1:30–2:15pm Iyengar Yoga with Vered Levy
2:30–3:15pm The Art of Assisting with Einat Peled-Katz
3:30–4:15pm Binds & Balances with Rachel Meyer
4:30–6pm Hips & Hammies with Julia Hanlon
*TBD Go for a Run with Julia Hanlon

9–10:15am Baptiste with Gregor Singleton
10:30–11:15am Fueling the Fire with Erika Fritz
11:30–12:15pm Iyengar Yoga for Back Care with Claire Carroll
12:30–1:15pm TBA
1:30–2:15pm Slow Flow: A Tool for Peace with Victoria Garcia Drago
2:30–3:15pm Basics For Arm Balancing with Hannah Adams
3:30–4:15pm Breaking Open the Heart with Sami Lea Lipman
4:30–5:15pm All About Ayurveda with Emily Griffin
5:30–7pm The Subtle Body with Jane Cargill

Reserve your spot in festival classes on MindBody today.

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04/14/2018 09:00:00 04/15/2018 19:00:00 America/New_York Down Under Unites Yoga Festival The celebration of community returns to Down Under Cambridge in 2018. Join the teachers you know and love as they offer a variety of mini-workshops, allowing you to savor a taste of what's inspirin...

Down Under School of Yoga: Cambridge, Cambridge, MA 02140 false MM/DD/YYYY

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