Peabody Square
Dorchester Center
Dorchester, MA
Event website:
Co-Presented by Greater Ashmont Main Street, MassBike, Dorchester Brewing Company, The Dorchester Reporter, and the City of Boston (Mayor Marty Walsh ).
The 4th Annual Dorchester Bike & Brew is a family-friendly community festival designed to showcase the growing cycling community in #Dorchester; food trucks (TBA); Dot's very own Dorchester Brewing Company's beer garden with their craft brews as well as hard cider and wine; and the City's Boston Water and Sewer Commission H2Go water trailer on site with Greater Ashmont MS water bottles for everyone. Boston Police Department (Official) Operation Hoodsie Ice Cream Truck will also make an appearance.
Beyond food and drink, there will be several bike advocacy and social groups tabling, a bike rodeo for youth and adults hosted by MassBike, other kids-of-all-ages activities, our Ashmont Farmers Market lawn games, and more! Musical guests still TBA, but you know from past years it will be amazing.
The event is held in Peabody Square on a small portion of Talbot Ave (between Dorchester Ave and Welles Ave) which is closed to vehicular traffic for the duration of the festival. It is free to attend and beer garden sales help defray the costs of the event. Bring your bike, as we'll have *free bike valet* provide by MassBike.
Sponsorship Committee in Formation.
Many thanks to Greater Ashmont Main Street's Annual Sustainers: the Mayor's Office of Economic Development Boston's Boston Main Streets program, the Boston Main Streets Foundation, the MBTA, the Martin Richard Foundation, and Trinity Financial/ Trinity Management LLC AND all our committed volunteers, who make events like this possible.
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 12:00p
Night Shift Brewing (Everett Taproom)
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 9:00a
Natick Community Organic Farm
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 12:00p
The Great American Beer Hall