Near Manchester Memorial Elementary School
Lincoln Street
Manchester, Massachusetts 01944
Event website:
Don't let your family's desire for dinner stand in the way of voting in the upcoming primary election! Manchester resident Therese Melden, co-founder of Leading Ladies, a nonpartisan group dedicated to social justice and getting out the vote, has arranged for the Melt Food Truck to be parked outside the polls from 4 to 8 pm for the March 5 primaries which are located at the Manchester Memorial Elementary School.
Voters can put in their orders on their way into the polls; then vote; and pick up their food on their way home. Even in a town like Manchester By The Sea, there can be barriers to voting. They may not be as serious as voter roll purges, polling closures, or unreasonable ID requirements, but they can still discourage attendance at the polls. People are busy with jobs and children and after school activities.
"I know how busy families can get," says Melden. "We just want to make it a little easier for them to participate in the democratic process. Everybody's vote makes a difference, but that can be hard to feel when you are tired after a long day at work and with hungry kids in tow!"
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 9:00a
Natick Community Organic Farm