Arlington Public Library
700 Mass Avenue
Arlington, Massachusetts 02478
Lectures & Conferences
Discover The E.P.I.C. Plan For Lowering Your Cholesterol Without Drugs!
About five and a half years ago, I had a heart attack. This was after being told my cholesterol was "normal", and that because I exercised regularly and ate well, my chance of having a heart attack was minimal.
When I got out of the hospital, I set out to discover why the doctor had been so horribly wrong, and what I needed to do to make sure that never happened to me again.
I was shocked what I discovered.
I found that we are awash in a flood of misinformation, misinformed people (including doctors), fake news, and ignorance about heart disease, its causes, and what can be done about it.
I first began to apply what I learned to myself. Got my cholesterol down below 150, changed what I ate, and continued to exercise even more than before. And I continue to enjoy excellent health to this day (I'm 72, by the way).
I wrote a top selling Amazon book, The Diet Fallacies.
I got a certificate in Plant Based Nutrition, from eCornell Center for Nutrition Studies.
And the EPIC plan comes from my decision to share what I discovered with you, and the world. Hence, this presentation.
Our cholesterol level is a reflection of what we eat, of the foods we put into our body that promote it. And as everyone knows, our cholesterol level is also an excellent measure of our risk for a heart attack. By the way, a cholesterol level of between 150 and 200 is NOT a healthy range--35% of all heart attacks occur in this range!
In this one hour lecture (plus Q & A), you will discover WHAT is causing your cholesterol to be as high as it is, what can be the result of failing to address and lower it, the benefits of lowering it over a period of weeks through different food choices, and learn my four step process, showing how you can do just that, and without drugs.
The solution is on the end of your fork. Literally.
The E.P.I.C. Plan is an unprocessed, plant based approach to eating, based on recommendations by Kaiser Permanente, the nation’s largest health insurer, Dr. Kim Williams, former head of the American College of Cardiology, and many, many other experts in the field.
(E.P.I.C. is an acronym, standing for:
Education: debunking myths, hype, and conflicting information.
Preparation: Create the pieces of the puzzle, to make the transition easy.
Implementation: succeeding without losing your mind.
Continuity: continued connection, to help make things stick. Plus for those who choose, coaching, cheat sheets, tactics and downloads to make things stick even more.)
You may also have heard about how effective this unprocessed plant based way of eating is in the movies “Forks Over Knives”, or “Plant Based Nation”, as their approach is nearly identical. And Bill Clinton also follows a very similar approach.
You owe it to yourself and your family to get this actionable information, for if you keep doing what you are doing, you will continue to get the same results. With the same sad, predictable consequences.
As Hippocrates said, “Let thy medicine be thy food, and thy food thy medicine”.
Isn’t it time to do something about your high cholesterol? So sign up--or simply show up!
(In addition to the FREE lecture, you also can get a free report entitled: “The EPIC plan: Your First Steps, + Resource Guide”.)
What others are saying:
Rich C., MD: “Al’s stories get right to the point, and deliver quite a bit of relevant wisdom and easy to use strategies to help a healthier lifestyle”.
Kevin P, pharmacist: “ Instead of applying self-knowledge, self-discipline, delayed gratification and hard work, we simply consume statins. There are other natural ways to optimize cholesterol level that my friend Al recommends. Time for a REAL change.”
Linda L.: “Al Davis talks straight about the addictive properties of processed foods and the invisible connection to obesity and health care crisis affecting so many people today”.
Heather H: “Mr. Davis’s style is direct, and at times in your face. But that’s exactly how it needs to be. He delivers his message with strength and authority”.
Be there!
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