Harvard Ed Portal
224 Western Avenue
Allston, MA 02134
Art, Classes, University
Event website:
The Dialogue of Civilizations project views artmaking as a form of critical dialogue that builds bridges within and across diverse communities. In these workshops, participants of different ages and backgrounds with no theatrical experiences will learn about some of the basic theatrical techniques in the actors’ toolbox (such as voice, body, and imagination).
The goals of these workshops are for participants to explore how to: actively listen and observe; actively build community; find ways to share our deepest thoughts and feelings with others in a safe environment; and create a safe and creative community among those who feel, think, and look different.
Workshops will happen on consecutive Saturdays in May, from 12 – 2PM. Participants are encouraged to attend all three workshops, though attending fewer is welcomed, and RSVP is required. Designed for ages 16+; no prior experience necessary.
Workshops led by Vahdat Yeganeh
Hosted in partnership with Harvard Ed Portal
Monday, May 05, 2025 goes until 05/18
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)