Wednesday, Sep 21, 2016 6:30 p -
8:30 p

Impact Hub Boston
50 Milk Street
Boston, MA 02109

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Business, Lectures & Conferences, Meetup

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A brand is a promise of value. You experience this concept every day when you seek out brands you recognize and products you trust. Similarly, your personal brand is a clear and concise communication of who you are, what you do, and what you offer to the world of work. It encompasses not only your job skills but your interests, activities, dreams, and passions as well. Like a good corporate brand, your personal brand represents you in the minds of others and in the employment marketplace. The more effectively you are branded, the more visible you will be, and the more clearly you will express your value as a person and as an employee. This presentation will answer the question: What is a personal brand, why do I need one, and where can I get one? The talk will include a description of all the branding components, and how to frame the content of these components to your own purpose.

Randall Warniers is a freelance editor, book designer, and book publisher who spent nearly two decades in the world of publishing as managing editor of a research journal at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. He is also a photographer and a photography instructor at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education, an instructor in 19th-century British literature at Acton-Boxborough Community Education, and a facilitator and member of the leadership team at Acton Networkers.

The meeting begins at 6:30, but come early for networking in the cafe (Render Coffee) on the ground floor beginning at 5:30 pm.

The entrance to the building is on Devonshire Street. Please check in at the desk!

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09/21/2016 18:30:00 09/21/2016 20:30:00 America/New_York Defining Your Personal Brand, with Randall Warniers A brand is a promise of value. You experience this concept every day when you seek out brands you recognize and products you trust. Similarly, your personal brand is a clear and concise communicati...

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