100 Warrenton Street
Boston, MA 02116
$20 - 35
Food, Innovation, Music, Party, Social Good, Sports & Active Life
Event website:
DAYBREAKER is about dancing your face off before work and feeling gloriously healthy while doing so. It’s about going to work with brows slightly dewed from moving bodies with reckless abandon, sans alcohol, but with so much spirit, surrounded by the wonderful people of Boston. DAYBREAKER brings out the love, self-expression and joy experienced at raves without alcohol or drugs.
Acro-yogi queen Izzy VanHall will be bringing her talent and vibrancy to the event with a special DAYBREAKER yoga class to kick off the "Space Disco" - themed morning celebration. Following the sweat-sesh, she and her talented partner Ray Borg will perform acro-yoga to inspire the “om” in all of us.
DAYBREAKER is currently in Boston, New York City, San Francisco, Washington DC, Chicago, Miami, Toronto, Paris and London with Montreal, Denver, Philadelphia, Seattle and Austin on the horizon.
To learn more please visit www.daybreaker.com or follow DAYBREAKER on Facebook at www.facebook.com/dybrkr. Tickets are available at http://www.daybreaker.com/city/bos/.