Online event
Art, LGBT, Performing Arts, Virtual & Streaming
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This incredible evening of queer dance work brings a cutting edge dance concert to you at home, curated by Bessie Award winning artist Eva Yaa Asantewaa. Eva writes: "Jay Bouey, Ni'Ja Whitson, Maria Bauman-Morales, zavé martohardjono, and Orlando Hunter Jr and Ricarrdo Valentine of Brother(hood) Dance! are among the most thoughtful, driven and exciting artists on the contemporary New York scene. I have had the joy of witnessing their work and passion for community, justice and healing. Each one reminds me of what Toni Morrison wrote in Beloved: "She is a friend of my mind." Indeed, I consider each a friend of my mind. They see and capably gather us, helping us to put the many pieces we are in order so that we may breathe freely and survive. They are artists we need in this challenging moment and beyond this moment." Co-presented by Dancing Queerly and Boston Pride. Free, registration required. Dancing Queerly 2020 also includes BYOBrunch, Workshops for all curated by insta community @Freeskewl, and Ballet is For Everyone - see www.dancingqueerlyboston.com for details.