Online event
Innovation, Lectures & Conferences, Tech, University, Virtual & Streaming
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The year 2020 was less than a month old when the coronavirus outbreak erupted in China. The crisis provides a stark reminder of the uncertainties that supply chains face today – and throughout the new decade. Crossroads 2020 one-day conference will explore these uncertainties, as well as measures that companies can take to prepare for them.
A talk on the decoupling of China and the United States will look at the broad economic and supply chain ramifications of this seismic shift in global trade patterns.
The arrival of 5G wireless connectivity could redefine the way data is communicated and analyzed, and a leading authority on the technology from MIT will map 5G’s evolution over the next few years.
Sensing technology is another potential game-changer, and an MIT scientist who is developing innovative sensing devices will provide an overview of advances in the field.
Sustainability is a powerful force for change in supply chains. Findings from a ground-breaking study on the impact of sustainability efforts on supply chains carried out by MIT CTL in collaboration with the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals will be discussed publicly for the first time at the conference.
Full agenda coming soon.
Discover how emerging innovations intersect with supply chain management. Crossroads is a one-day annual event offering a unique learning opportunity for participants. The event connects experts from MIT, the world’s foremost center for technological innovation with the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL), the global leader in supply chain education and research, for a day of discovery and learning.
No other event provides this blend of expertise in one day. This is one reason why the Crossroads conference series has become the supply chain management community's most important venue for new ideas since its inception more than 15 years ago.
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 12:00p
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