Acton Town Hall
472 Main Street
Acton, MA 01720
Lectures & Conferences
Event website:
All are invited to hear from Professor Joseph M. Adelman on Tuesday, January 30th at 7:00 PM in Room 204 at Acton Town Hall, 472 MainStreet. This is the third lecture in a series commissioned by the Acton 250 Committee to help us better understand and appreciate the times when our nation was born. Please register at https://actonmemoriallibrary.assabetinteractive.com/calendar/countdown-to-april-19-1775-a-revolutionin-the-news-with-historian-joseph-adelman/ so that you may be contacted for future activities. You can also watch live on ActonTV (https://www.youtube.com/@ActonTV1/streams) or Zoom at https://actonma.zoom.us/j/81741134640 if you would like to engage in the Q&A portion of the talk.