Monday, Nov 20, 2017 5:30p -

Cambridge Innovation Center
1 Broadway (5th floor - Venture Cafe)
Cambridge, MA 02142

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Business, Food, Innovation, Lectures & Conferences, Meetup, Social Good, Tech

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Steve Buono of Buono Pest Control will make us laugh and cringe with his pest control tips, tricks and stories. Fall is not just football season, it's also mice season! They’re not just looking for cheese, find out what they want, why they’re in your building, how to keep them out, and when to call the pros. Steve will touch on things he sees owners and manager doing wrong. He'll also cover issues local members are having with roaches or bedbugs during his Q & A session at the end of his presentation. Join us on the 20th so you can stop pests in their tracks!

We're also very excited for our interview between Jamie Leef from SunBug Solar and Executive Director, Doug Quattrochi. As an expert residential solar integrater at SunBug Solar, Jamie will educate us on how we can make solar work for our businesses and could potentially turn our buildings into power plants! Learn what other owners already know: that when you go solar and include electrical and heat in the rent, you come out ahead!

Find full event info at MassLandlords.net/events

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11/20/2017 17:30:00 11/20/2017 21:00:00 America/New_York Controlling Winter Pests & Investing in Solar Steve Buono of Buono Pest Control will make us laugh and cringe with his pest control tips, tricks and stories. Fall is not just football season, it's also mice season! They’re not just looking for...

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