Online event
Art, Music, Virtual & Streaming
Event website:
We are so excited to announce Tuesday’s lineup: a night of folk music accompanied by live drawing, with musicians Sweet Petunia🌸 (@sweetpetuniaband), Oliver Esposito🔥 (@oliver_stormyfire), Grace Givertz🌵 (@gracegivertz) and illustrator Annie Cheng🌻 (@lilpeachiez).
Tune in🐚🐚
Link to join Zoom: tinyurl.com/cloud-cafe-324
This night will consist of three musical sets from 35 to 45 minutes each. Annie will be live drawing during each set to create a visual accompaniment to the music.
Follow us @the.cloud.cafe for updates shortly on how to join, and check the link in our bio for info on how to donate to a fund to support these artists. 🦋🦋
With the outbreak of COVID-19, freelance artists have been among the first people to feel the economic hit. Many artists have cancelled tours, postponed gigs, and don't know when they will be able to go back to work. There is no paid sick time, and very little infrastructure to support our creative economy in this challenging time.
We are raising money for artists to create "Cloud Cafe", a series of interactive performances via Zoom video chat. We are asking some of the most creative members of our communities to re-imagine the possibilities of Zoom, and utilize digital tools to create immersive, collaborative online performances. This is an opportunity to put money directly into the hands of artists, and allow them to keep making work. These events will engage audience members through guided poetry workshops, live drawing exercises, and Q&As, in addition to performances.
During chaotic times we turn to the arts for comfort and joy. It offers the potential for healing and togetherness during a moment when public health officials are urging "social isolation." Let's help these artists help us through this difficult moment!
Our first three events will occur this coming Sunday, Monday and Tuesday (March 22, 23, 24) at 6 PM. Each night will be curated by a different Boston based artist--all of whom have been forced to cancel gigs and tours to protect the community from COVID-19. They are poets, performing artists, musicians, visual artists, teachers, parents, and more. Each curator will hand-pick members of their community who have been directly impacted by the pandemic to build creative performances that bring people together to heal and find joy.
We have set an ambitious goal to raise $10,000 to give directly to artists. We are still putting together our performance lineup for the three nights, but expect to have 10-15 artists perform. We are hoping to give each artist and curator $150-$400 for their participation, and the exact amount will vary based off of need. Additional funds will go towards organizing more performances and paying the artists up front.
Visit the GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/cloud-cafe-performance-fundraiser-for-gig-artists
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 9:00a
Natick Community Organic Farm