Chelmsford High School Performing Arts Center
200 Richardson Road
Chelmsford, MA 01863
Event website:
The League of Women Voters Acton-Area, Concord-Carlisle and Chelmsford will host a Candidates Forum for the 14th Middlesex District Representative. All candidates whose names will appear on the September 6 Primary ballot have been asked to participate. The 14th Middlesex District Representative represents residents in portions of Acton, Concord, Chelmsford and all of Carlisle.
Rep. Tami Gouveia is running for Lt. Governor, which leaves this seat open. There are three Democratic and one Republican candidates on the primary ballot. The Democrats will debate each other and the Republican will be given an opportunity to address the audience.
The forum will be held in the Chelmsford H.S. Performing Arts Center, 200 Richardson Road, Chelmsford on the evening of June 30 at 7 p.m. It will also be available via Zoom and live on all area public access channels. The forum will be recorded and will air on town public access TV stations as well as on YouTube and at these League’s web sites: lwv-acton-area.org and lwvcc.org.
The League of Women Voters is eager to help voters learn more about the candidates running in the September 6th Primary Election and provide a non-partisan forum for all candidates to be heard. The event is part of our mission to encourage the active and informed participation of all citizens in government and the electoral process. The forum is free and open to the public.
Virtual: https://go.evvnt.com/1192499-0?pid=5248
Category: Lifestyle | Politics
Saturday, Mar 29, 2025 7:30p
New England Conservatory's Jordan Hall