Friday, Mar 02, 2018 10:00a -
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Hamilton-Wenham Public Library
14 Union St.
S. Hamilton, MA 01982

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Poetry and Flash Fiction Contest for Teens
The Library's teen advisory board, the Teen Think Tank, voted to continue the poetry contest for an 8th year. We have added a flash fiction option to the contest and moved up the contest deadline to April 1. The TTT chose two themes this year suggested at last year's poetry reception. And, we have invited literary historian and playwright, Rob Velella to return as our reception speaker on Thursday, April 12th, 6:30 to 8:30 PM. This year he will appear as, and dramatically portray, Nathaniel Hawthorne. Mr. Velella specializes in American literature of the nineteenth century.

POETRY & FLASH FICTION CONTEST Rules: Open to teens in grades 6 to 12, who are residents of Essex County in Massachusetts. Poem or story entry must be original work. Flash fiction story must be 300 words or less. Maximum of 3 entries per author may be entered. THEME: outer space –or- unexplored territory. Poems and stories must incorporate theme or have an associative metaphor such as: foreign, cosmic, unknown, remote, alien, etc.. Judges will deduct points from entries that do not incorporate one of the themes. Each poem or story must have a title. Entries are due by midnight April 1, 2018.
An online form must be filled out for EACH entry: http://informedteenshwlibrary.blogspot.com/
Contest winners and honorable mentions will be announced at the Contest Reception on Thursday, April 12, 2018, 6:30 to 8:30 PM. You must be present at the Reception to win. Cash prizes to be awarded.

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03/02/2018 10:00:00 03/02/2018 17:00:00 America/New_York Call for Entries: Poetry & Flash Fiction Contest Poetry and Flash Fiction Contest for Teens The Library's teen advisory board, the Teen Think Tank, voted to continue the poetry contest for an 8th year. We have added a flash fiction option to th...

Hamilton-Wenham Public Library, S. Hamilton, MA 01982 false MM/DD/YYYY

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