Metcalf Ballroom, George Sherman Union
775 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
Innovation, Lectures & Conferences, Tech
Event website:
BU CONNECT is a research and innovation showcase designed to “connect” BU faculty and students with like-minded people in the local industrial/entrepreneurial ecosystems.
The event will feature:
- An exposition hall with representatives from various research centers/laboratories
- Several breakout sessions across various subject areas:
1. Data Science: Data Science in Healthcare
2. Therapeutics: Renal Disease
3. Diagnostics: The frontier of new diagnostic technologies
4. Student Ventures: A panel of student ventures
- Student-led innovation projects/companies
- Presentation of the Boston University Innovator of the Year Award
... And more!
Join us for an evening filled with innovation, exploration, and – as the name suggests – connections!
Register here: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07efhj42k8bc4b1d84&oseq=&c=&ch=