Kings Dining & Entertainment
52 Second Ave
Burlington, MA 01803
< 21, Food, Kid Friendly, Social Good, Sports & Active Life
Event website:
Don’t miss out on the Ryan Family’s first annual Ultimate Fun-Raiser Event.
Let’s Bowl 2 Cure JM at Kings Dining & Entertainment!
We’re a local family with a story to tell.
Earlier this year, our four year old son Liam was diagnosed with a very rare autoimmune disease called Juvenile Myositis (JM). Only 1 in 500,000 kids receive this tough diagnosis. Currently there are no FDA-approved treatments and no cure, but with your support we are determined to change that!
Event proceeds benefit Cure JM Foundation, the global leader in JM research, whose mission is to find a cure and better treatments for children fighting JM like Liam.
Learn more at www.curejm.org and follow Liam’s Journey on Facebook by liking: Liam Hugo's JDM Journey.
Thank you all! Together we can Bowl 2 Cure JM!
If you’re unable to come to the event, please consider making a donation by clicking Tickets. You can also gift tickets to families who would love to come to the event but may not have the means to do so.
All tickets include: Bowling, Unlimited Video Games, Pizza, Face-Painting, Soft Drinks and Chances to Win BIG Prizes!
1. Buy a ticket for your family, donate a ticket to a family or donate what you can (donations are tax deductible)
2. Share on all social media with hashtags #CureJM & #Bowl2CureJM
3. Email this Eventbrite link and these steps to any contacts you think would love to come to our event or to companies interested in local community event sponsorship
4. Stay Connected with us on Facebook by liking: Liam Hugo's JDM Journey
Meet the Ryan Family
Luke and Liz Ryan are a local family living in Lexington with two amazing children, Liam and Olivia. Liz works for TD Ameritrade and Luke for Boston 25 TV. They love family dance parties, ice cream sundaes, swimming and cookouts.
What is Juvenile Dermatomyositis (JDM)?
JDM is a part of a group of rare and life-threatening autoimmune diseases, in which the body’s immune system attacks its own cells and tissues. Weak muscles and skin rash are the primary symptoms of JDM. JDM is a rare disease and its exact incidence is unknown. Approximately 2 to 4 children in a million in the United States are diagnosed each year.
Many people ask us…
What is the prognosis?
There is no cure yet, with advances in early diagnosis and aggressive treatment, the outcome has continued to improve. Some children experience a mild form of the disease and may go into remission. Others follow a more severe and potentially debilitating course that can be life-long. Some JM patients will have a loss of range of motion. Some will battle an array of serious complications, resulting in the inability to walk, ongoing pain, disfigurement and even death. Whether the course of the disease is mild or severe, JM is life-changing for these special children and their families.
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 12:00p
The Great American Beer Hall
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 9:00a
Natick Community Organic Farm
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 12:00p
Night Shift Brewing (Everett Taproom)