Saturday, May 01, 2021 2:30p -

Online event
56 Brattle Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

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Food, History, Virtual & Streaming

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Boston has many historical connections to chocolate, starting with the Revolutionary War and continuing from that point in time, including being the home of the very first chocolate factory in North Americaand the first forays into commercial white chocolate production. However, expanding our understanding of chocolate includes looking at it from a global perspective. Learn more about chocolate's sweet local history as well as its complicated global future with this fascinating program brought to you by Victoria Kichuk of Cocoa Beantown. Be prepared to come away from this class with a whole new appreciation of this wonderful fine food! Instructor: Victoria Kichuk

Cambridge Center for Adult Education (CCAE) offers online classes in subjects including: World Languages, Visual Arts, Food & Wine, Humanities, Performing Arts, Life & Wellness, & Business & Technology. All upcoming classes can be found at ccae.org.

View all Cambridge Center for Adult Education cooking classes in the Food & Wine Class calendar at https://ccae.org/food-wine-class-calendar.

View CCAE’s virtual catalog at https://issuu.com/cambridgecenter/docs/ccae_spring_2021_catalog_final?fr=sZDM0MTM4MjM1

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05/01/2021 14:30:00 05/01/2021 16:00:00 America/New_York Boston Chocolate History and Curbside Pickup for Tasting Boston has many historical connections to chocolate, starting with the Revolutionary War and continuing from that point in time, including being the home of the very first chocolate factory in Nort...

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