Museum of Science
1 Science Park
Boston, MA 02114
Kid Friendly
Event website:
BODY WORLDS, the most visited traveling exhibition in the world, comes to the Museum of Science with a new chapter, Gunther von Hagens’ BODY WORLDS & The Cycle of Life.
More than one hundred preserved human specimens reveal the wonders of human development and demonstrate how poor health, good health, and lifestyle choices can shape your body.
Whole-body plastinates, created from people who have donated their bodies for Plastination, the advanced scientific technique invented by pioneering anatomist Dr. Gunther von Hagens, with the express purpose of educating future generations about health, teach us the story of our lives like no textbook can.
Experience this life-changing exhibition, designed by BODY WORLDS’ creative and conceptual designer, Dr. Angelina Whalley, and look inside to find out what makes us human!
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 9:00a
Natick Community Organic Farm