Online event
Music, Social Good, Virtual & Streaming
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Join Dr. Naomi André, scholar and author of Black Opera: History, Power, Engagement to explore themes of voice, race, and gender entwined deep within the rich history of the art form of opera and how it frames the moment we find ourselves in today. BLO Artists present works by opera composers exploring the Black experience in this one-hour lecture performance presented by Boston Lyric Opera in support of the Boston Public Library’s Repairing America: Racial Equity and Recovery initiative.
People who are interested in attending are kindly asked to register at the following link: https://blopera.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_CcEwI17rRGCTu7Fa6nsj0Q.
Naomi André is Professor in Women’s Studies, the Department of Afroamerican and African Studies, and the Residential College Arts and Ideas in the Humanities program at the University of Michigan. She received her BA in music from Barnard College and MA and PhD in musicology from Harvard University. Her research focuses on opera and issues surrounding gender, voice, and race. Her publications include topics on Italian opera, Schoenberg, women composers, and teaching opera in prisons. Her books, Voicing Gender: Castrati, Travesti, and the Second Woman in Early Nineteenth-Century Italian Opera (2006) and Blackness in Opera (2012, edited collection) focus on opera from the nineteenth to the mid-twentieth centuries and explore constructions of gender, race and identity. She recently published Black Opera: History, Power, Engagement with University of Illinois Press, a monograph on staging race and history in opera today in the United States and South Africa (more information available here). She has served on the Graduate Alumni Council for Harvard University’s Graduate School of Art and Sciences, the Executive Committee for the Criminal Justice Program at the American Friends Service Committee (Ann Arbor, MI), and has served as an evaluator for the Fulbright Senior Specialist Program. In 2019, Naomi was named the inaugural Scholar in Residence at the Seattle Opera. In her role, she advises Seattle Opera staff and leadership on matters of race and gender in opera; consults in artistic planning as it relates to representation of race and gender; and participates in company panel discussions, podcast recordings, and contributes essays to opera programs.
The Repairing America Initiative is the Boston Public Library's pledge to focus its 2021 programming and services on bridging the gaps that divide America. By prioritizing economic recovery, civic engagement, COVID-19 recovery, racial equity, workforce development, and youth engagement, the BPL is working to help Americans rise above the challenges they face.
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