Sunday, Sep 17, 2017 11:00a -

Massasoit Elks Lodge
55 Bishop Allen Dr
Cambridge, MA 02139

EventScheduled OfflineEventAttendanceMode


Art, Festivals & Fairs

Event website:

The Boston Hassle and Ignore Rock'n'Roll Heroes present their joint effort, a one-day flea market featuring handmade artwork, prints, patches, records, tees, pins, ceramics, jewelry, zines, body care, tea, macrame; vintage clothing, accessories, books, as well as tarot readings, haircuts, live drawings, and more!

11am-5pm All Ages $1 Entry


Affordable Vinyl https://thriftstoresisyphus.tumblr.com/
Aimee Belanger https://www.etsy.com/shop/AimeeBelangerShop
Aldrich Vintage Music
Alex Leigh illustration https://www.instagram.com/alexlsalvi/
Allie X Katz http://www.instagram.com/dougie_aaron
Aly & Ollie Vintage http://etsy.com/shop/alyandollievintage
Amanda Mai Beauty http://www.amandamaibeauty.com
An Afternoon Affair http://www.anafternoonaffair.com/
Blue Void Ceramics
Brandon Bowser https://m.facebook.com/VoteBowserD9/#!/VoteBowserD9/
Claire https://www.instagram.com/claireyed/
Cosmic Love Clothing https://www.instagram.com/cosmicloveclothing/
Crystal Bi http://instagram.com/crystalbi_b
Death Wound Zine https://deathwound.com/
Decadent West https://www.etsy.com/shop/DECADENTWEST
Disposable America / True Believers Fan Club http://etsy.com/shop/truebelievershq
Dripping Dream Vintage http://depop.com/drippingdream
Dumpstr ART https://www.etsy.com/shop/dumpstrart
Earthwurms https://www.etsy.com/shop/earthwurms
enfant terrible http://enfantterrible.storenvy.com
Feminist Fiber Art http://feministfiberart.com/
Feral Flesh http://www.instagram.com/ponydong666
Foxyfries http://instagram.com/foxyfries
Gracie Makes Things https://etsy.com/shop/graciemakesthings/
Hiroshi Minato Jewelry http://www.hiroshiminatojewelry.com
Holy Crow http://www.holycrowart.com/
Hot Foot Vintage http://instagram.com/hotfootvintage
Hot Glue Love Crafts
Hungry Ghost Press http://hungryghostpress.com/
Illuminated Seed Society
Incunabula Ink
Ink Forgotten http://eliportman.weebly.com/
Insomnianauts https://www.etsy.com/shop/insomnianauts
JK Books http://www.jakerochford.com/
Josie Dybe Designs https://www.instagram.com/josiedybedesigns/
Joyatri http://www.joyatri.etsy.com
KalArt https://www.instagram.com/kalrea/
Lentil Records https://lentilrecords.bandcamp.com/
Lexi's Tree Fort http://lexistreefort.com/
Like You Felt https://www.instagram.com/likeyoufelt/
Lily Xie https://www.instagram.com/lolydrows
Lindsay Blevins Illustration http://www.etsy.com/shop/lindsayblevinsshop
Littleburg http://instagram.com/littleburg_
Mass Love Distro http://masslovedistro.storenvy.com
Mike Vivisector's art http://mikevivisector.tumblr.com/
Mr. Teacher and Panda http://www.Mrteacherandpanda.com
Mud Hedz https://etsy.com/shop/mudhedz
My Big Pink Crafty Box https://www.etsy.com/shop/MyBigPinkCraftyBox
Nine Lives Zine Distro http://sonyacheney.com
Nothing of the Month Club https://www.instagram.com/evan_saladbar/
Over It! Studio https://www.etsy.com/shop/OveritStudio
Paige Mulhern http://paigemulhern.com/
Pan and Scan Illustration http://www.etsy.com/shop/panandscan
Pindigo Grrrls http://www.pindigogrrrls.etsy.com
La Rosa Nostra
queercult https://www.etsy.com/shop/queercultdesign
Shane Maxwell https://www.etsy.com/shop/ShaneMaxwell
Sidney Gish https://www.etsy.com/people/susangish
Slogans for Nothing slogansfornothing.com
Soy Much Brighter Candle Co. https://www.soymuchbrighter.com
Strange Pine http://www.strangepine.com
Sub Rosa Collective
Thankyou_sean http://instagram.com/thankyou_sean
The Atomic Garden https://www.etsy.com/shop/theatomicgarden
The Bone Lady http://facebook.com/boneladyarts
The Clack https://www.itstheclack.com/goods/
The McGonagle Sisters Present... http://www.mauramcgonagle.com
The Weekend Movement https://www.instagram.com/theweekendmovement/
Thermal Shock Studio https://www.instagram.com/goth__queen/
Trust In She https://www.etsy.com/shop/valeriepauline
vapour city vintage http://www.instagram.com/vapourcityvintage/
Vivant Vintage http://www.vivantvintage.com/
WalkInStudio / PropertyMaterials https://www.etsy.com/shop/WalkInStudio
Wildcat Aquatic
Winter Hill Jewelry http://winterhilljewelry.com

Boston Hassle is a volunteer-run organization. Our mission is to bring people together in a creatively empowering and inspiring environment. With this mission comes a dedication to safety, accessibility and vigilance. We strive to make our shows safe spaces for all people. If you ever feel uncomfortable at our events we want to know and we want to help. Find a Hassle volunteer at the door or email [email protected] to contact a volunteer directly. Respect one another and enjoy yourself!

More about our org: http://bostonhassle.com/about/

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09/17/2017 11:00:00 09/17/2017 17:00:00 America/New_York Black Market hosted by Boston Hassle & Ignore Rock'n'Roll Heroes The Boston Hassle and Ignore Rock'n'Roll Heroes present their joint effort, a one-day flea market featuring handmade artwork, prints, patches, records, tees, pins, ceramics, jewelry, zines, body ca...

Massasoit Elks Lodge, Cambridge, MA 02139 false MM/DD/YYYY

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