Harvard Ed Portal
224 Western Avenue
Allston, Massachusetts 02134
Art, Kid Friendly, Party, Photoworthy
Event website:
Join us for the opening of this powerful exhibit! Mingle with guests, nibble on Indian food, decompress, and nourish your creative spirit. Deborah Johnson and guest artist Ria Manzanar will lead art activities, flower garland-making, chanting, mediation, and journal prompts.
In this exhibit, Brighton artist Deborah Johnson curates an interactive installation featuring bright and joyful linocut prints, paintings, and visual affirmations within a lush open living room space. As a queer South-Asian artist and mental health professional, Johnson connects her personal ancestry and spirituality to create a place of comfort and sanctuary for all. Visitors can drop by to reflect in a journal, view the art, gather with friends, or engage with the community altar.
Optional: Please bring something to leave on the community altar, such as pieces of nature, photos, or art.
*Open to all regardless of spiritual affiliation. The exhibit is based in cultural practices rooted in India and yoga.
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 9:00a
Natick Community Organic Farm
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 12:00p
The Great American Beer Hall