Saturday, May 04, 2019 1:00p -

House of Prayer Lutheran Church
916 Main St.
Hingham, MA 02043

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< 21, Food, Kid Friendly, LGBT, Music, Performing Arts, Social Good

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Featuring musicians, composers and vocalists from around the world! All proceeds will benefit American Voice’s YES Academy Programs in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Jordan.

American Voices is a nonprofit organization that has been conducting cross-cultural engagement with audiences in over 140 nations worldwide since 1993. Founded with a focus on the recently independent nations of Central and Eastern Europe, American Voices has expanded its mission towards supporting youth everywhere in nations emerging from conflict or isolation.

Serving as a cultural bridge, American Voices has introduced American music and culture the world over, showcasing a wide variety of genres ranging from Jazz and Classical to Hip Hop, Broadway and Country in nations as diverse as Palau and Paraguay, Turkmenistan and Thailand. Meanwhile, our Youth Excellence on Stage (YES) Performance Academies have brought full summer music, dance and theater education programs to places such as Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Sudan.

This event will help promote these academies and ensure their sustainability. Please join us and hear traditional music from the Middle East performed by our talented YES Academy alums and faculty members. All proceeds benefit American Voices. www.yesacademy.info

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05/04/2019 13:00:00 05/04/2019 14:30:00 America/New_York Benefit Concert for American Voices Featuring musicians, composers and vocalists from around the world! All proceeds will benefit American Voice’s YES Academy Programs in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Jordan. American Voices is a nonpr...

House of Prayer Lutheran Church, Hingham, MA 02043 false MM/DD/YYYY

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