Monday, Mar 12, 2018 6:00p -
Repeats weekly

Cambridge Community Television
438 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139

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Art, Film, Tech

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In this course, you will go through the actual experience of planning and shooting a studio show that will be shown on CCTV's channels and website. You will gain experience in all studio positions, from Camera Operator to Floor Director, to Technical Director. A great first production experience, and a terrific way to meet other producers. This course certifies CCTV Access Members to produce future shows in CCTV's full production studio.

Class is 3 sessions - Mondays March 5th, 12th, & 19th - 6-9pm.

Register Today!
contact Keaton Fox at 617-661-6900 or email [email protected]

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03/12/2018 18:00:00 03/12/2018 21:00:00 America/New_York Beginning Studio Production In this course, you will go through the actual experience of planning and shooting a studio show that will be shown on CCTV's channels and website. You will gain experience in all studio positions,...

Cambridge Community Television, Cambridge, MA 02139 false MM/DD/YYYY

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