Multicultural Arts Center (MAC)
41 Second Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02141
Classes, Music, Party, Shows
Event website:
Join us in celebrating 21 years of community service by our non-profit organization, 4 years since the creation of the Cambridge Community Center for the Arts (CCCA), and 2 years of our fruitful and multifaceted community arts partnership with the Multicultural Arts Center (MAC), that has generously sponsored this event. Learn about the organizational history, milestones, multi-organization partnerships, and exciting ongoing and forthcoming projects, and help us raise much needed funds with your attendance!
Immerse yourself all weekend in international dance, music, martial arts, health & fitness, visual arts, poetry, culture, and inspiration -- There's something for everyone! Attend 23 workshops, "A Taste of the Arts" showcase, and a Unity Jam dance social, to bring us all together in mutual appreciation, cultural enrichment, and great times for all ages and abilities, by many talented local and international artists, at the CCCA at the MAC!
The rich lineup of teaching and performing artists, includes Aaron "A-A-Ron" Myers of Beantown Lockers and A Trike Called Funk, Alex Chen of Hush Crew, Anwar Maghreb, Bjorn "Beonpnt" Anselm, Caleaf "Big Leaf" Sellers, Cambridge Youth Steel Orchestra (CYSO), Christine "Kurin" Nguyen, Christine Trannguyen of INC Dance Crew, Dan Marshall, Kate Jurdi, and Shira Price of FreEMotion/LibrEMocion Repertory Company, Inc., Eve Costarelli, George "DJ Act1" Lumpkins, Hale Pinar Zengingönül of Mavi Dance, Jean-Luc Pierite of North American Indian Center of Boston (NAICOB) and DUSP MIT, Johann Correa of Carnival Society of Boston, Liza "Luna del Flor" Zayas-Sellers, Margaux Skalecki, Master Tsuji of the Samurai Academy, Philip Blatner, Yasmin Chau, Thomas Weisenbeck, Sahfa Aboudkhil, and Anush Revazyan of ZoukBOS, Randi Henry of SambaViva Brazilian Dance and Music Ensemble, Sammy "SavSoul" Savuth, Sean Bjerke, Sifu Tim LaVallee of Woo's Martial Arts, Ulric Johnson and Tempo International Rhythm & Steel with Debra "Sista Dee" Smith of Dis-N-Dat Band, Vicente Lebron, Barbara Zamora Vargas, Daniel Lamadrid Gómez, and Lilibeth Espinosa Suárez Cuban Jazz Quartet, Winchell Woo's Siulam Hung Gar Chiu Mo Kwoon Lion Dance Team of Chinatown, Boston, and Zangar Freeman of ZMakesBeads.
Admission to this diverse weekend-long event is made flexible and affordable with individual and family options:
$10 to $15/Workshop/Person - 23 Workshops on 12/29, 2-9:30pm | 12/30, 10:30am-5pm | 12/31, 10am-5pm
$20/Person or Zoom Screen - "A Taste of the Arts" Showcase, Saturday, 12/30, 7-9pm (Onsite & Livecast)
$15/Person - Unity Jam Dance Social with DJ Act1, Saturday, 12/30, 9-11:45pm
$30/Person - Showcase & Jam
$55/Person All-Access 3-Day Pass
$100/Family All-Access 3-Day Pass
Additional donations much appreciated to support BCCA/CCCA's community work!
Help us match the generous $3,000 challenge grant from the LaVallee Manson Family Fund, and even triple it if you make your matching donation and then report it to your employer's matching gifts program! (Some employers even double-match!)
Metered on Street Parking (Free after 6pm & on Sundays), and Affordable Parking at the 1st Street Garage (Entrance on Spring Street).
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 9:00a
Natick Community Organic Farm