Wednesday, Sep 25, 2019 4:30p -

Healthworks Back Bay
441 Stuart Street
Boston, MA 02116

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Come shop Athleta at Healthworks in Back Bay and enjoy a complimentary FREE class from Healthworks to celebrate you and your health journey anytime on 9/25/19!

Athleta Trunk Show:

Please feel free to swing by at one of the following classes, shop Athleta, and celebrate your health journey with a comped class.

Below is our schedule and class descriptions for that time window –
Barre @ 4:30 p.m. (45 minutes)

Octane @ 5:00 p.m. (45 minutes)

Vibe @ 5:30 (45 minutes)

Core @ 5:45 (15 minutes)

Flow Yoga 1 @ 6:00 p.m. (60 minutes)

Build @ 6:00 p.m. (30 minutes)

Ignite @ 6:30 (45 minutes)

Barre – A full-body workout to shape longer, leaner muscles without the bulk. Be prepared to use a ballet barre, body weights and balls, while instructors guide through postures inspired by yoga and Pilates.

Octane – A cutting-edge, high-intensity class with innovative training stations. TRX, battle ropes, penalty boxes, medicine balls and more, are all just the start.

Vibe – A rhythm-based cycle class that will you help you burn calories, clear your mind, and sweat out toxins. Be prepared for tap backs, pushups, and arm sculpting.

Core – Designed to build a powerful core. You will target abs, obliques, and glutes to improve posture.

Flow Yoga 1 – A Vinyasa work out that flows from one pose to the next.

Build – A straight up strength workout, designed to take the guess work out of your strength training program.

Ignite – A high-intensity workout that will boost your metabolism and help you burn calories well after the class is over.

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09/25/2019 16:30:00 09/25/2019 19:00:00 America/New_York Athleta Trunk Show at HealthWorks Back Bay Come shop Athleta at Healthworks in Back Bay and enjoy a complimentary FREE class from Healthworks to celebrate you and your health journey anytime on 9/25/19! Athleta Trunk Show: 430-7pm P...

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