Hancock United Church of Christ
1912 Massachusetts Ave.
Lexington, MA 02420
Kid Friendly, Music
Event website:
The Boston Skyline Chorus and the Boston Saengerfest Men’s Chorus will be presenting a special joint concert in the beautiful Hancock United Church of Christ, 1912 Massachusetts Ave., Lexington, MA. Please come and hear these two very talented choruses make exciting harmony together!
$20 General Admission
$15 Student
$5 Child
Boston Saengerfest Men’s Chorus is made up of approximately 65 male choristers based in the Greater Boston area. The men of Saengerfest enjoy the camaraderie of singing at weekly rehearsals and performing in four or five concerts each year. The traditional but wide-ranging repertoire includes folk songs, love songs, spirituals and sacred music, classical excerpts, traditional English and Welsh songs and anthems, and an occasional show tune.
The Men’s Chorus was officially formed in 1991 after some 45 members of the parent Saengerfest Chorus were invited by the officers of the London Welsh Male Voice Choir to participate in the latter’s Festival of Welsh Male Choirs in London’s Royal Albert Hall in October 1992. Since then the Men’s Chorus has sung numerous benefit concerts throughout New England supporting a variety of charities in their fund-raising efforts.
Boston Skyline Chorus is a chapter of Sweet Adelines International Region 1 (SAI). The chorus has continued to compete in every annual SAI contest, earning most improved (38 points) in 2018 and 6th place in 2019. Under the direction of Wendy Pachter since May 2014, we are a diverse group of women; we come from all walks of life. What we have in common is our love of music, joy in singing and our love of performing! We are mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, and grandmothers. WE ARE EVERY WOMAN!
Our love for our craft is obvious and infectious, and our rehearsals are wonderful opportunities to develop and improve our vocal skills as we build warm, supportive friendships.
In addition to sharing music through public and private performances, Boston Skyline is committed to providing women with the education required to sing A Cappella and maximize each singer’s potential. We are education-based and learn to be better singers and musicians through the music we learn. We work on singing techniques, listening skills, balancing harmonies and how to make our overall performance meaningful, expressive and artistic to enrich our audiences. Vocal instruction is a regular part of chorus rehearsals, and a very important component of the chorus experience. “Let every woman sing!
Whether you have a little experience or are an accomplished singer there is a place for you at Boston Skyline Chorus. The bond we share becomes impenetrable as we strive for excellence. We rehearse every Tuesday night 7 PM, Knights of Columbus, 177 Bedford Street, Lexington, MA 02420
Both Boston Skyline Chorus and Boston Saengerfest Men’s Chorus are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. For more information, you can visit our websites at saengerfest.org or bostonskylinechorus.org
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 9:00a
Natick Community Organic Farm
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 12:00p
The Great American Beer Hall