Down Under School of Yoga
1054 Beacon Street
Brookline, MA 02446
Sports & Active Life
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Join visiting instructor David Garrigues for an Ashtanga intensive weekend. This workshop is suitable for for anybody with an established Ashtanga Yoga practice: experience of at least the first half of the Primary Series and a motivation to learn.
$225 for the whole weekend, or you can pay for individual sessions.
Friday, April 21, 7:30-9:30pm $55
Ashtanga Foundations I: The Five Allies in Surya Namaskara
Saturday, April 22, 1:30-6:30pm, $125
Ashtanga Foundations II & III: Asana of the Primary Series and Pranayama
Sunday, April 23, 1:30-4:00pm, $70
Intro to the Ashtanga Second Series
David is skillful in providing explanations of elusive, often unspoken aspects of the practice. In weekend workshops, he offers clinic style led classes that investigate specific aspects of the practice that help students come to new perspectives on how to practice more intelligently, safely and joyfully.