Saturday, Mar 21, 2020 10:00a -
Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 4:00p

Massachusetts College of Art and Design
621 Huntington Ave
Boston, Massachusetts 02115

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Art, Classes

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Invest in your personal or professional growth. Both Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop are fantastically powerful programs—but radically different. Join us for 2 consecutive Saturdays to learn best practices for each program, and then see how they can work together in harmony. You’ll learn how to properly use the pen tool, appearances, styles, modes, channels, layers, and adjustments to build and control your images. The class is taught in a relaxed environment with many demos and lots of opportunities for individual questions.

Join us for a real and practical leap forward!

Bring your lunch and a USB or external drive so you can save your work.

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03/21/2020 10:00:00 03/28/2020 16:00:00 America/New_York Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator Invest in your personal or professional growth. Both Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop are fantastically powerful programs—but radically different. Join us for 2 consecutive Saturdays to learn ...

Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 false MM/DD/YYYY

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