Wednesday, Oct 03, 2018 6:00p -
Repeats weekly

Cambridge Community Television
438 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139

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Art, Date Idea, Film, Innovation, Lectures & Conferences, Meetup, Tech

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The Adobe After Effects visual effects software is a great tool for creating special effects, 2D animation, data visualization, and compelling titles and graphic for your film and video projects.

With such a wide range of practical applications, the software can be a daunting program to learn. This course will equip students with the skills necessary to start their own project, navigate multiple compositions, and utilize a handful of basic tools.

Pre-requisite: Final Cut Pro Bootcamp OR Premiere Bootcamp

Class is 4 sessions - Wednesdays - September 12th, 19th, 26th, and October 3rd - from 6-9pm - with John Syzoneko.

Register Today!
contact Keaton Fox at 617-661-6900 or email [email protected]

Advance registration is required and is accepted on a first-come basis. Early registration is advised since courses may fill up or be canceled due to low enrollment. Members with sufficient voucher balance may register over the phone (617) 661-6900; all others must provide full payment at the time of registration. Schedules are subject to change.

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10/03/2018 18:00:00 10/03/2018 21:00:00 America/New_York Adobe After Effects Bootcamp The Adobe After Effects visual effects software is a great tool for creating special effects, 2D animation, data visualization, and compelling titles and graphic for your film and video projects. ...

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