Tuesday, Jun 03, 2014 6:30p -

Tango Restaurant
464 Massachusetts Ave
Arlington, MA 02474

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Alcohol, Art, Food, Lectures & Conferences

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You are invited to learn about Travel Vision Journey's Photo & Wine workshop through Northwest Argentina. Discover this unique tour through the lens of photographer Ossian Lindholm, Argentina's most famous landscape photographer. Come enjoy a special wine tasting & learn how empanadas are made (and how they taste) at Massachusett's only Argentinian restaurant, TANGO! We will have a special presentation of this unique 9 day photography travel workshop by Lauren Hefferon & Ossian Lindholm who will be there via skype from Argentina! We will be raffling off bottles of Malbec & Torrontes, camera equipment & an original landscape photo by Ossian Lindholm. SPACES LIMITED: 25. RSVP 800-866-7314

About Travel Vision Journeys: Each Travel Vision Journey will slowly explore, absorb and deeply connect with the world's most sacred landscapes, natures and cultures through the magic of the photographic experience. www.travelvisionjourneys.com

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06/03/2014 18:30:00 06/03/2014 20:30:00 America/New_York A Taste of Argentinian Wine & Landscapes You are invited to learn about Travel Vision Journey's Photo & Wine workshop through Northwest Argentina. Discover this unique tour through the lens of photographer Ossian Lindholm, Argentina's m...

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