Thursday, May 18, 2017 5:30p -

The Laboure Center
275 West Broadway ST
South Boston, MA 02127

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Food, Kid Friendly, Social Good

A.S.A.P. Community Forum

Throughout the past year, Y.T.Y. and T.E.A.M. have been implementing an Anti-Substance Abuse Plan (A.S.A.P.) curriculum.
The purpose of which is to delay or avoid substance use and instill positive values among participants in the programs and throughout the community.
Come and be part of the community!
Come and learn how recognizing self worth can lead to making positive choices!
Join us on Thursday May 18th from 5:30 -7:30 pm at the Laboure center (275 West Broadway St. South Boston, MA).!

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05/18/2017 17:30:00 05/18/2017 19:30:00 America/New_York A.S.A.P. Community Forum A.S.A.P. Community Forum Throughout the past year, Y.T.Y. and T.E.A.M. have been implementing an Anti-Substance Abuse Plan (A.S.A.P.) curriculum. The purpose of which is to delay or avoid s...

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