Regina Pizzeria
353 Cambridge St
Allston, MA 02134
Alcohol, Food, Nightlife
Monday nights are board game night at Pizzeria Regina in Allston. And on Monday, March 5th, that includes a tournament featuring a range of games themed around lying and bluffing. The three-round tournament features such games as Secret Hitler (not as offensive as it sounds), Skull, Coup and One Night Ultimate Werewolf. Don't know some or all of those games? Don't worry, a host from BoardGame Empire will be on hand to explain the rules to each game there with each round.
At the end of the night, the winning team gets a not-very-expensive prize, a trophy, and eternal glory in the Hall of Champions: http://www.playboardgameempire.com/hall-of-champions. Space is limited so grab a spot at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-board-game-tournament-for-liars-bluffers-and-cheats-tickets-42055104951
This is a special event, but if you come on a regular Monday night, a host from BoardGame Empire will be at the restaurant with 50+ games giving people the option to play whatever they want for free. Games include classics like Connect 4, party games like Cards Against Humanity and new tabletop options like Codenames and Dominion, along with everything in between. Try something you already love or ask the hosts to make recommendations based on other games you like. They can explain the rules to anything there. On special nights like this one, this collection of games will still be there for those who prefer not to participate in the tournament.
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