Bow Market
1 Bow Market Way
Somerville, MA 02143
Drinks, Food, Outside, Shopping
Event website:
We'll see you on Sunday, June 2nd as we return for our 8th Curated Vintage Market! Once again we are taking over Somerville Ave and all of Bow Market as 70+ vintage vendors from New England + beyond gather to bring the best & baddest vintage finds to the heart of Union Square, Somerville.
Stroll down Somerville Ave and then head into the Bow Market courtyard for more vintage/food/beverage action. DO NOT MISS what’s happening Upstairs at Bow!! You’ll find more vendors including our Mender Row working away, taking in small clothing repairs and scheduling larger projects and customizations for future dates - the artistry on display is a must see!
Ring in the summer season with a treasure hunt for both the WEIRD and the WONDERFUL! Come thirsty - come hungry - come ready to shop and support local 'til the sun goes down. You can expect to take home clothing, jewelry, home décor, furniture, art, collectibles and sOoOo much more (not to mention quite the cast of characters to keep you entertained all day!). Hosted by Blue Bandana Relics, Lexie Butterfly Vintage, Homme Repair & Tabby Road Design :)
Our rock-star vintage vendor line-up + their locations can be found below (keep an eye on their Instagram's for sneak peeks of the goods they'll be bringing!):
8th Wonder Emporium - @8thwonderemorium
All The Rage Vintage - @alltheragevintage
Astral Plains Vintage - @astral_plains_
Belvedere Vintage - @belvederevintage
Bitchy Vintage - @bitchy.vintage
Can't Touch This Collectibles - @canttouchthiscollectibles
Candy Dish Vintage - @candydishvintage
Collectively Grey - @collectivelygrey
Dandelion District - @dandelion.district
Eastside Vintage - @eastsidevintageshop
Eleventh House Vintage - @eleventhhousevintage
Feral Fawn - @feralfawnart
Gold Dust Vintage - @golddustvintage
Good Morning Vintage - @goodmorningvtg
Great Eastern Trading Co. - @Greateasterntradingco
Grey Moon Designs - @greymoondesigns
Hendi's Vintage - @hendivintageshop
High Energy Vintage - @highenergyvintage
Hoarding Tees - @hoardingtees
Holding Hands Vintage - @holding_hands_vntg
Johnny Cakes Vintage - @johnnycakesvintage
Junque Shop - @Junque_shop
Landlines - @landlines_
Lexie Butterfly Vintage - @lexirbutterflyvintage
Maine Vintage - @mainevintage
MICH - @m.icee.h
Murphy's Paw Thrifts - @murphyspawthrifts
Nellie Baker Vintage - @nelliebakervintage
Nestful Vintage - @nestful_vintage
Northstar Vintage - @northstarvintage
Old Manse Vintage - @old.manse.vintage
Raspberry Beret - @cambridgeraspberryberet
Salem and South - @salemandsouth
Sister Ray - @shop_sister_ray
Still Cute Vintage - @stillcutevintage
Swift + Faire - @Swiftandfaire
The Quince and Quail - @thequinceandquail
Thrift Squad - @whatthemthreadsdo
Top Shelf Vintage - @topshelfvintageco
Unpredictable Finds - @unpredictablefinds
Vintage and Swoon - @vintageandswoon
Vintage Therapy Boston - @vintagethetapyboston
Vivant Vintage - @Vivantvintage
White Witch Vintage - @whitewitchvtg
Yellow Ladder Vintage - @yellowladdervintage
AVU Vintage - @avu_vintage
Bloom & Barter Vintage - @bloomandbarter
Charlie Sells Vintage - @charliesellsvintage
Fat and Habitat - @fatandhabitate
G Spot Vintage Shop - @thegspotvintageshop
Hell Bent Vintage - @hellbentvintage
La Roux Vintage - @larouxvintage
Limited Addition - @limited.addition_
re.Find Vintage - @refindvt
Retronomie Vintage - @retronomie
Saved By The Cloth - @savedbythecloth
Siren Collective - @thesirencollective
The Attic - @thefuckinattic
Vintage Wish List - @vintagewishlist
Trunk & Disorderly - @trunkndisorderly
All Day Thrift - @alldaythrift
Anything But Jaded - @anythingbutjadedvintage
Buckaroo Vintage - @buckaroovintage
Hootie Vintage - @hootievintage
Leebee Vintage - @leebeevintage
Made By Morgan Nicole - @shopmadebymorgannicole
Passed Expiration Vintage - @passed_expiration_vintage
Prairie House Shop - @prairiehouse.shop
Bushwood Tailors Opportunity Shop - @BushwoodTailorsOpportunityShop
Homme Repair - @hommerepair
House of Painted Eyes - @houseofpaintedeyes
Jessamy Shay - @Jessamy.Shay
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 9:00a
Natick Community Organic Farm
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)