Wednesday, Mar 18, 2020 8:00p -
Repeats weekly

730 Tavern Kitchen and Patio
730 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

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Alcohol, Date Idea, Food, Nightlife, Performing Arts

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Boston's best Free Wednesday Stand-Up Comedy Show Featuring comedians from Network Television and Prestigious Festivals!
About this Event
Boston’s best most confusingly named stand-up comedy show just had it’s two year anniversary! Each Wednesday, Anderson Comedy’s Rob Crean and Liam McGurk present hilarious comedians both local and national. Shows feature performers from prestigious festivals, Comedy Central, Conan, Funny Or Die and more. Anderson Comedy keeps the laughs coming throughout the shows approximately 80 minute run time. It’s all sponsored by the 730 Tavern. That means it’s absolutely free! Check out important information below! If you don't enjoy yourself we offer the Anderson Comedy guarantee! You're allowed to punch Liam McGurk in the kidneys. That's a free comedy show plus the chance to inflict heinous violence on a producer! Please don't hurt me!

Free stand-up comedy show sponsored by 730 Tavern

Show begins a little bit after 8pm between 8:10 and 8:20

Address is 730 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge. Location is called the 730 Tavern, Kitchen and Patio

730 Tavern is located a minute walk from the Central Square stop on the Redline.

Street and metered parking are available.

Use Eventbrite to reserve your seats!

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03/18/2020 20:00:00 03/18/2020 22:00:00 America/New_York 8 O'clock at 730 Boston's most confusingly named Comedy Show! (2+ years) Boston's best Free Wednesday Stand-Up Comedy Show Featuring comedians from Network Television and Prestigious Festivals! About this Event Boston’s best most confusingly named stand-up comedy show...

730 Tavern Kitchen and Patio, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 false MM/DD/YYYY

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