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Here are 68 things to do around the city over the last weekend of January 2022. All eyes are on Saturday's nor’easter, which could drop anywhere from 2 to 20 inches of snow on Boston.
Friday, 1/28: 37º ☁️
Saturday, 1/29: 27º ❄️
Sunday, 1/30: 27º 🌤
1) 10 Sledding Spots in Boston http://bit.ly/--iKl
2) 4 Snow Maps for Sat’s Storm http://bit.ly/--iIq
3) Frost Fit Winter Fitness Series https://bit.ly/-nL5
4) Sam Adams Taproom Anni. https://bit.ly/-Ki5
5) Hub Hall Food Hall Now Open http://bit.ly/--cIi
6) Global Game Jam https://bit.ly/-K8t
7) Snow Tubing @ Nashoba http://bit.ly/-Vb1
8) Ramsay’s Kitchen Now Open http://bit.ly/--cPI
9) Nov Project: Friday Hills http://bit.ly/-e5f
10) Wine Tastings @ Boston Winery https://bit.ly/--sai
11) Tambó Salsa Social http://bit.ly/-p8y
12) Boston Athenaeum Tour http://bit.ly/-V4s
13) Free Harvard Art Museums https://bit.ly/-Ak5
14) Free Wine Tasting http://bit.ly/-M4r
15) Winter Wild Exploration https://bit.ly/-Ko4
16) 26 Winter-ready Patios https://bit.ly/-I7t
17) Curling @ The Liberty https://bit.ly/-Bk7
18) SPIN Ping Pong Bar http://bit.ly/--xIk
19) High Tea @ BPL http://bit.ly/--kXv
20) ‘Next to Normal’ http://bit.ly/-zu5
21) Moyzilla Dumpling Popup https://bit.ly/-hv8
22) Magic, Comedy & Cocktails http://bit.ly/-7ty
23) Trivia Night @ Trident https://bit.ly/-yu5
24) Built to Win Shipbuilding http://bit.ly/-7ut
25) Drive-in Movie: ‘Inside Out’ http://bit.ly/-iu4
26) Intro to Improv http://bit.ly/-gj4
27) ICA Exhibition Tour http://bit.ly/-bi4
28) Immersive Van Gogh https://bit.ly/-BH14
29) Jazz Jam @ the Bebop http://bit.ly/-bj2
30) Trivia @ Trident http://bit.ly/-wv6
31) Rock N’ Roll Brunch http://bit.ly/-gh3
32) MET Live: ‘Rigoletto’ http://bit.ly/-Oj4
33) Ice Skating Around Boston https://bit.ly/-H8i
34) Apres Skate Bar @ 401 Park https://bit.ly/-BH41
35) Edible Art Exhibit https://bit.ly/-TY6
36) Stroll on the Greenway https://bit.ly/-u4r
37) ‘Pretty Woman’ the Musical https://bit.ly/-Ge5
38) Somerville Farmers Market https://bit.ly/-it2
39) Flower Popup in Chinatown https://bit.ly/-pi6
40) ‘Mr. Parent’ Premiere https://bit.ly/-ng5
41) Bebop Bluegrass Brunch http://bit.ly/-pk3
42) Snowport: Learn to Curl https://bit.ly/-Fg5
43) Book Club Discussion https://bit.ly/-Ju5
44) Healing Through Creative Arts https://bit.ly/-m7t
45) The Arnold Arboretum https://bit.ly/-BJ6
46) New Members Art Show https://bit.ly/-O9t
47) Comedy @ the Dugout Cafe http://bit.ly/-7tr
48) Lovestrukk Dance http://bit.ly/-nu6
49) Trident Writing Group http://bit.ly/-sh2
50) Yoga in the Beer Garden http://bit.ly/-Uig
51) Bone Up Brewing Popup http://bit.ly/-oi6
52) Friday Night Flow http://bit.ly/-di6
53) Cradles to Crayons Drive http://bit.ly/-q7t
54) Vox Clamantis Exhibit https://bit.ly/-Ur5
55) How to Read a Wine Label http://bit.ly/-w5r
56) Free Evening Meditation http://bit.ly/-8ty
57) MFA Tattoo Exhibit https://bit.ly/-BH37
58) 90s Karaoke @ Lily’s Bar https://bit.ly/-ut2
59) Live Music @ Aeronaut http://bit.ly/-Qu5
60) Slow Flow Yoga http://bit.ly/-3yr
61) Free Ice Skating Class https://bit.ly/-K6t
62) Fresh Faces Exhibit https://bit.ly/-R6t
63) Yoga @ Night Shift Brewing http://bit.ly/-3ae
64) Dumpling Making Class https://bit.ly/-BH46
65) Roslindale Farmers Market https://bit.ly/-ut3
66) Intro to Burlesque http://bit.ly/-Vr1
67) Live @ The Beehive https://bit.ly/-wy4
68) BDC Fitness Challenge https://bit.ly/-b6t
All weekend events: http://bit.ly/3dmCgmu