Online event
Kid Friendly, Music, Virtual & Streaming
Event website:
Trinitarian Congregational (TriCon) Church of Concord, MA is offering TWO well-produced virtual Christmas Eve services at 5:00PM and 8:00PM.
Both services will include the Christmas Story with lots of traditional carols and anthems led by familiar voices, encouraging all to follow the words on screen and singalong. There will also be the lighting of the Christ Candle with the passing of the light while singing Silent Night.
5:00PM will include a Children’s Pageant.
8:00PM will include Traditional Lessons & Carols and Holy Communion.
Three options to view/hear Services:
1. YouTube Live streaming - https://www.youtube.com/c/TriConChurch
2. Zoom Video - https://zoom.us/j/219932059
3. Zoom Audio Only (dial-in by phone) - (646) 558-8656 (meeting ID 219932059)
Follow along with the BULLETIN and CAROLS - https://triconchurch.org/christmas-eve-services-5pm-8pm
Listen/Read Archived SERMONS at - https://triconchurch.org/sermons
Trinitarian Congregational Church is an ecumenical community of faith in the tradition of the United Church of Christ and is an inclusive, open, affirming, and welcoming congregation. For more information about our vibrant community, please visit our website at www.triconchurch.org and follow us on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (TriConChurch), email us at [email protected], or call the church office at 978-369-4837.