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We've rounded up 52 FREE things to do around the city this week so you don't have to.
1) Live Concert @ CitySpace (Fr) http://bit.ly/-55x
2) Burlesque with a Band (Th) http://bit.ly/-88t
3) Café Concert: String Quartet (Sa) http://bit.ly/-y4s
4) Irish Music @ The Druid (Su) http://bit.ly/-77s
5) Lights in the Necklace (Tu-Su) https://bit.ly/-7td
6) ‘Last of the Right Whales’ (We) http://bit.ly/-xb2
7) Stargazing @ BU (We) http://bit.ly/-21e
8) Literary Magazine Release (Fr) http://bit.ly/-11f
9) Tell Me More! @ CitySpace (Tu) http://bit.ly/-42s
10) Curling in the Seaport (Sa) https://bit.ly/3B8vnzM
11) Frost Fit Fitness Series (Mo-Su) https://bit.ly/-nL5
12) Poetry Open Mic @ Trident (Su) http://bit.ly/-55r
13) Explore MAAM Boston (We-Su) https://bit.ly/-3L6
14) Black Heritage Trail (Mo-Su) https://bit.ly/-bh5
15) ICA Thursdays (Th) http://bit.ly/-b1x
16) Live Harp Performance (Th) http://bit.ly/-44r
17) Strange Facts Trivia (Th) http://bit.ly/-33w
18) The State of Race @ WBUR (Th) http://bit.ly/-44e
19) Nov. Project: Dest. Deck (Mo) http://bit.ly/-Jki
20) Winter Unwind Yoga (Th) http://bit.ly/-55t
21) Somerville Farmers Market (Sa) http://bit.ly/-Pj5
22) Harvard Art Museums (Su) https://bit.ly/-88s
23) Seaport Free Writes (We) http://bit.ly/-4cs
24) Stump! Trivia @ Porters (Tu) http://bit.ly/-re3
25) SoWa Sundays (Su) https://bit.ly/-Gh5
26) Storytelling Workshop (Tu) https://bit.ly/-t5r
27) Reflect with Bach @ BPL (Tu) http://bit.ly/-nx5
28) Al Fresco Skating Class (Su) http://bit.ly/-97x
29) Harbor Islands Talk (We) http://bit.ly/-12e
30) The Arnold Arboretum (Mo-Su) https://bit.ly/-BJ6
31) Esplanade Winter Walks (Tu) http://bit.ly/-c2h
32) Early Music Access Project (Tu) http://bit.ly/-77c
33) OpinioNation Trivia Game (We) http://bit.ly/-22d
34) Comedy @ Bell in Hand (Tu) http://bit.ly/-11s
35) Black History Month Lecture (Tu) http://bit.ly/-g2s
36) Archeology Lecture (Tu) http://bit.ly/-8tx
37) ‘We Dance’ Screening (Th) http://bit.ly/-99q
38) Women’s Sewing Group (Th) http://bit.ly/-16r
39) Three Chord Thursday (Th) http://bit.ly/-98f
40) African American Ancestors (Th) http://bit.ly/-64r
41) Bebop Open Mic Night (Th) http://bit.ly/-46s
42) Learn about Tree Equity (Tu) http://bit.ly/-tyx
43) Edible Art Exhibit (Mo/We/Th) http://bit.ly/-e7t
44) Bloody Sunday Symposium (Sa) http://bit.ly/-00t
45) Improv @ Remnant Brewing (Su) http://bit.ly/-22w
46) Live Music @ Bebop (Sa) http://bit.ly/-33s
47) Incarceration Talk @ Harvard (Tu) http://bit.ly/-44x
48) Accidental Deification (Th) http://bit.ly/-55f
49) LEGO Maritime Festival (We-Su) http://bit.ly/-99s
50) 90s Karaoke @ Lily’s Bar (Fr) http://bit.ly/-77r
51) Mental Health While Black (Fr) http://bit.ly/-55z
52) Comedy @ Bill’s Bar (We) http://bit.ly/-13s
All FREE experiences this week: https://bit.ly/3r27JA7