Secret Indoor Venue in Union Square, Somerville [exact location given to registered guests]
70 Union Square
Somerville, MA 02143
Food, Meetup, Party, Sports & Active Life
Event website:
Hey guys! Are you a skiier/snowboarder missing winter, or just want to learn more about getting into it for the first time? Wanna hear some fun stories from others' ski adventures?
Come hang out at this chill social at my place in Somerville [Union Square], where I'll be serving charcuterie.
My name's Alaska and I started hosting ski + meditation trips to meet new people after getting trained as a professional yoga instructor - it's been really fun. Would love to meet more Boston ski people!
Come learn more about our Peace Out ski + meditation trips for the coming winter and meet fellow skiiers/snowboarders :)
This event is strictly 21+. Address will be given the day before to registered attendees
More info and RSVP here on Eventbrite - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ski-all-day-ski-social-with-charcuterie-tickets-979028038217?aff=oddtdtcreator
Can't make this event? Follow us on Eventbrite here to get updates on future events! Plus, check out our Pirate Yoga event too.
Tickets are limited due to the venue size and we've sold out the past few events, so go ahead and sign up as soon as you know you’d like to go.
Looking forward to calming up with you!
Monday, Mar 10, 2025 goes until 03/22
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)