Concord Museum
53 Cambridge Turnpike
Concord, MA. 01742
Festivals & Fairs
Event website:
Patriots' Day at the Concord Museum Kicks-off with a Bang with demonstrations,
living history with Concord Minutemen, walking tours, colonial crafts and cooking, and gallery talks. All of the events are Free except where noted. As part of the Museum celebration and for the first time this year the historic Warren Tavern will have an open house. Concord Minutemen and Museum staff will be there to help you learn about this National Historic Landmark. Don't miss the Concord Museum's outstanding collections including the famous "one, if by land, two, if by sea" Paul Revere latern, powder horns and muskets, British cannon balls, and other Revolutionary objects.
For a full list of outdoor and indoor activities www.concordmuseum.org