The Brahmin lounge
33 Stanhope Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02116
Alcohol, Food, Party, Social Good
Event website:
Some risk factors for developing cancer can be minimized through healthy lifestyle choices such as not smoking, minimizing sun exposure, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly. But imagine that you or your beloved family members are genetically predisposed to developing multiple cancers, no matter how healthy and active your lives are! This is living with Li-Fraumeni syndrome.
First recognized in the 1960s by Drs. Fred Li and Joseph Fraumeni, Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) is a familial predisposition to certain, often rare, cancers that has literally decimated families with early cancer deaths. In 1990, it was discovered that the syndrome was due to an inherited faulty tumor suppressor gene known as p53. People who test positive for LFS have a 90% chance of developing cancer in their lifetime, with a 50% chance of having cancer before the age of 30. T And because of the markedly increased risk of developing breast cancer, females have nearly a 100% chance of developing cancer. However, advances in LFS cancer research have now given us more hope than ever!
The non-profit Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Association was first formed in 2010 by a group of LFS patients dedicated to helping those living with LFS, and to those fighting LFS, by promoting awareness, providing patient support, and funding research. We have also been able to host educational webinars, as well as conferences for the international medical and patient communities, fund early detection screening for children, establish international chapters, and so much more!
Please join us on June 13th, or consider a sponsorship/advertising opportunity! Your dollars will go directly to the care of youth who have tested positive for Li-Fraumeni syndrome, many of whom have already been diagnosed with cancer: send teenagers living with LFS to our inaugural youth workshop, help children with cancer attend summer camps, and fund critical screenings for early detection to potentially save lives!
Monday, Jan 13, 2025 goes until 03/15
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)