Wednesday, Feb 08, 2017 4:30p -

Tsai Auditorium (S010), Japan Friends of Harvard Concourse, CGIS South Building
1730 Cambridge Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

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Art, Date Idea, Lectures & Conferences, Meetup, Performing Arts, University

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Featuring YANAGIYA Sankyo and YANAGIYA Kyonosuke
Moderated by Wesley Jacobsen, Professor of the Practice of the Japanese Language and Director, Japanese Language Program, Harvard University

This event is free and open to the public. Performance is in Japanese with English translations.

Rakugo is a 400-year-old tradition of storytelling in Japan. Literally “fallen words,” rakugo consists of a brief personal anecdote followed by a longer narrative, ultimately dropping a humorous punchline. Given only a bare stage, a paper fan and small towel for props, and a cushion to kneel on, the performer (rakugoka) single-handedly engages the audience in the comedic tale with a variety of distinctive characters, expressive gestures, and clever wordplay.

Born in 1948, YANAGIYA Sankyo became an apprentice to Yanagiya Kosan V in 1967 and received a shin'uchi rank (highest professional rank) in 1981. He is a veteran rakugo performer who can portray the subtle emotions of a character during a performance. He is currently a board member of the Association of Rakugo Performers.

YANAGIYA Kyonosuke was born in 1971 and became an apprentice to Sankyo in 1993. He received a shin'uchi rank in 2007.

Japan Forum is sponsored by the Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies at Harvard University. For more information about Harvard Japan events, view http://rijs.fas.harvard.edu/programs/calendar.php or contact [email protected]  or 617.495.3220.

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02/08/2017 16:30:00 02/08/2017 18:00:00 America/New_York Japanese Rakugo Storytelling at Harvard Featuring YANAGIYA Sankyo and YANAGIYA Kyonosuke Moderated by Wesley Jacobsen, Professor of the Practice of the Japanese Language and Director, Japanese Language Program, Harvard University Thi...

Tsai Auditorium (S010), Japan Friends of Harvard Concourse, CGIS South Building, Cambridge, MA 02138 false MM/DD/YYYY

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