Saturday, Aug 19, 2017 10:00a -

Reggie Lewis Center to Boston Common
139 Tremont Street
Boston, MA 02108

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Social Good

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[Please promote this event to your networks and donate at youcaring.com/fightsupremacy]

On Saturday, August 19th, White Nationalists are converging on Boston Common to reinforce their white supremacist ideology and attempt to intimidate queer and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, POC) communities.

As we have seen with the events in Charlottesville and around the country, white nationalists are emboldened by the current political administration and growing police state. Rallies and marches organized by white supremacists are more prevalent than in recent years, and—as always—it is the most marginalized who are left vulnerable.

Walk with us as we march from the Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center to Boston Common (1.9 miles) and Rally for Black Lives, LGBTQI Lives, Indigenous Lives, Palestinian Lives, Cape Verde Lives, Latinx Lives, Jewish Lives, and all who are marginalized! We will meet in front of the Reggie Lewis Athletic Center at 10am before marching to Boston Commons to demand justice and stand in defiance of white supremacy.


Q: Will this be safe?

A: As with all public actions there is always a risk of injury and/or state violence. Please exhibit extreme caution and awareness if participating. We can not ensure safety at this event, however we will have visibly identifiable marshals and safety teams on site, as well as legal observers.

Q: What's the point? You can't talk sense into a Nazi.

A: Resistance takes many forms. One of those forms is counter-protest. Counter-protests send a message to white supremacists that their hateful rhetoric, physical violence, and fear mongering will not go uncontested. It's also a show of solidarity and an opportunity for allies to "show up" and wield their privilege.

Q: I can't attend. How else can I support?

A: You can donate to local Black and queer individuals or organizations in your area. And you can donate to the organizers of this march by visiting youcaring.com/fightsupremacy. Additionally, we ask that individuals continue to amplify the voices and needs of Black and queer communities, which includes sharing events like this among your networks.

Q: Are the organizers of this event committed to non-violence?

A: The organizers of this event are committed to survival and protecting marginalized communities.

Q: What do I bring?

A: A bottle of water. An extra bottle of water. Weather appropriate attire. Comfortable shoes. Your best self.

For questions call: 617-652-0151 or email [email protected] or [email protected]

Coordinated by:
Violence In Boston, Angie Camacho, Black Lives Matter Network, Black Lives Matter Cambridge, and Black Lives Matter Boston

STARTING PLACE: Reggie Lewis Athletic Center, 1350 Tremont Street, Boston, MA.
ENDING PLACE: Boston Common, 139 Tremont Street, Boston, MA.
MEETING TIME: 10:00 am (Those who can't march may intercept us at the Boston Commons, but PLEASE beware of nazi presence.)
SOCIAL MEDIA: #FightSupremacy #BostonResist

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08/19/2017 10:00:00 08/19/2017 17:30:00 America/New_York Fight Supremacy! Boston Counter-Protest & Resistance Rally [Please promote this event to your networks and donate at youcaring.com/fightsupremacy] On Saturday, August 19th, White Nationalists are converging on Boston Common to reinforce their white supr...

Reggie Lewis Center to Boston Common, Boston, MA 02108 false MM/DD/YYYY