Private Home Health Care, Inc
183 Pleasant St.
Marblehead, MA 01945
Food, Lectures & Conferences
Event website:
Join us for Brain Awareness Month - and learn how Nutrition impacts Brain Health.
June 22, 2016, 5:30 (light apps) - 6 to 7 pm presentation CEU.
Learn from Mary Demakes, RN and Nancy Emerson Lombardo, PhD. Both bring over 30 years of experience to the educational session.
1) Early disease warnings signs & symptoms.
2) Role of free radicals & oxidative stress
3) Brainiac Facts
4) Why lifestyle choices matter.
5) Power fruits & vegetables for brain health.
6) Role of anti-oxidants in disease prevention.
You will learn about new ways to look at brain health and nutrition. RSVP early and by June 20. 781-639-8696.