First Parish in Cambridge
1446 Massachusetts Avenue, Harvard Square
Cambridge, MA 02138
Festivals & Fairs, Lectures & Conferences
Event website:
Big Ideas for Busy People
Friday, April 18, 2014
First Parish in Cambridge, 1446 Massachusetts Avenue, Harvard Square (Map)
Cost: $10, tickets available at: http://csfbigideas2014.eventbrite.com.
Prepare for a whirlwind of Big Ideas around science, technology, engineering, art, and math! Come hear 10 short, sharp talks by some of the finest minds in the area. Speakers get 5 minutes to share their Big Idea, the audience gets 5 minutes for questions, and you get an evening of thought-provoking experiences!
Watch the 2013 Big Ideas for Busy People in our Media Gallery!
This year's line-up:
Dealing with Disaster
Paul Biddinger | Medical Director for Emergency Preparedness, Massachusetts General Hospital and Partners Healthcare; Director, Harvard School of Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Exercise Program
Video Surveillance: Enhancing Security Without Increasing Danger
Lawrence Candell | Assistant Division Head in Aerospace, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Dancing in the Age of Bionics
Elliott Rouse | Postdoctoral Associate in Biomechatronics, MIT Media Lab
From a Magic Trick to the Design of Materials
Tadashi Tokieda | William and Flora Foundation Fellow, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University; Director of Studies in Mathematics, Trinity Hall, Cambridge University
The Temporary Universe
Alan Lightman | Professor of the Practice of the Humanities, Creative Writing, Physics, MIT
How Did Our Atmosphere Become Breathable?
Tanja Bosak | Hayes Career Development Associate Professor of Geobiology, MIT
Climate Change Comes to Thoreau's Concord
Richard Primack | Professor of Biology, Boston University
Can Supercomputers Help Diagnose Heart Disease?
Amanda Randles | Lawrence Fellow, Computational Physics, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
The End of History Illusion
Daniel Gilbert | Edgar Pierce Professor of Pscyhology, Harvard University
Addiction by Design
Natasha Schull | Associate Professor of Science, Technology, and Society, MIT
Lectures begin promptly at 7:30pm. A reception with the speakers will follow immediately after the last talk.
Saturday, Mar 29, 2025 7:30p
New England Conservatory's Jordan Hall