Thursday, Apr 17, 2014 7:30p -
Sunday, May 18, 2014 9:30p

The Springstep Building
98 George P. Hassett Dr
Medford, MA 02155

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Performing Arts

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by William Shakespeare
directed by Robert Walsh**

"Love is merely a madness."
-As You Like It, III.2

A delightful confection, As You Like It is easily one of Shakespeare's most engaging comedies. Jettisoned from the court, the nascent daughter of the banished duke sheds the bonds of captivity and flees with her cousin and the court fool to the Forest of Arden. Also on the lam: the young hero Orlando, recently smitten by the banished young woman. Together, they and a host of other itinerants roam about this utopian society, free from the enmity at home, seeking romantic fulfillment.

Featuring ASP company members:
Brooke Hardman*
Jesse Hinson*
Jennie Israel*
Johnnie McQuarley*
Paula Plum*
Mara Sidmore*
Richard Snee*

Additional Cast:
Jared Michael Brown
Steven DeMarco
Joel Colodner*
Katie Elinoff

Mirnada Kau Giurleo (costumes)
Grace Laubacher (scenic)
David Reiffel (sound)
Celena Sky April (voice and text coach)

Student matinees at 10am on April 23, 24, 30, and May 1, 7, 13, and 14.

Post-Show Discussions each Sunday after 2pm matinee and 10am student matinees:
Sunday, April 20 - Jesse Hinson*
Sunday, April 27 - Paula Plum*
Sunday, May 4 - Jennie Israel*
Sunday, May 11 - Johnnie McQuarley
Sunday, May 18 - Brooke Hardman*

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04/17/2014 19:30:00 05/18/2014 21:30:00 America/New_York Actors Shakespeare Project: "As You Like It" by William Shakespeare directed by Robert Walsh** "Love is merely a madness." -As You Like It, III.2 A delightful confection, As You Like It is easily one of Shakespeare's most engaging com...

The Springstep Building, Medford, MA 02155 false MM/DD/YYYY

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