Kendall Square Cinema
1 Kendall Sq
Cambridge, MA 02139
Date Idea, Film
Event website:
What happens when you give teams of local filmmakers exactly 48 hours to make a movie? Just about anything! During the wild, sleepless weekend of May 3rd, Boston-area filmmakers wrote, shot, edited, and scored 84 short films. From scratch. In 48 hours. Come see 14 films that resulted from their labors!
Group A (March 6, 7 p.m.)
Box House Productions, Nathaniel Hilbert
Broken Compass Videos, Phil DiPrima
Dark White Media, Anthony Caddigan
Donut Pirates, lisa aimola
Dueling Hamilton, Shane Butler
Ex Nihilo Pictures, Dusty Wood
First Thursday Films, Haril Pandya
Lightning Raptors, Madeline Wiryo
Longshot, David Perez
Pine Grove Productions, Mason Marino
Slice Cream Films, Terry Samaras
Team Fast Asleep, Michael Mallen
Tooting in the Leaves, Sean Foy\
Group B (March 6, 9:30 p.m.)
Ben, Ben Crowell
Brigade Films, Alex Belsky
Castparty Productions, Justin Fielding
Farm Camp, Sean Bradley
MAC Productions, Elliot Conway
MillieCat Productions, Dave Montgomery
New Leaf Productions, Lee Strauss
North Shore Players, Erik Swanson
Pica Films, Matt Relstab
Safari Punch Productions, Arthur Thomas
Spacetime, Roger Metcalf
Unfinished Draft, Mike Nichols
Warehouse, Caroline Hubert
Weekend Warriors, Brandon Cardwell
Group C (March 7, 7 p.m.)
AMPT Films, Eddy Torigoe
Collective Subconscious Productions, Ned Scannell
Double Parked Films, james ryan
Extra Medium, Steve Lewis
Good Natured Dog Productions, Alecia Orsini Lebeda
Improviso Entertainment, Gabriella Lee
Mapleway, Curran Edmund
MetroWest Movies, Vikram Joshi
Otis, Bill Parker
Paracelsus Films, Vincent Morreale
The Sense of Dream., chau le
Shoot the Moon Films, Curtis Reid
Tiny Bits Productions, Jenn Jennings
the wee - B poe picture show, them theyarerich
Group D (March 7, 9:30 p.m.)
Brilliant Gem Productions, Alex Nenopoulos
Cocktails and Dreams Productions, Justin Menoche
French and Indian War, Michelle Chaison
j. ji productions, Jimmy Ji
Lyve Media, Frank Flahive
The Michael J. Epstein Memorial Library, Michael J. Epstein
Name of the Game Productions, Matthew Scheffler
Obnots, Joed Polly
1 AAA Actor Team, Andrea Lyman
Pancrascio, Harry Pray
Perspective Pictures, Katelyn MacLean
PS Productions, Santosh Dawesar
the troglodytes, Nicholas Agri
Group E (March 12, 7 p.m.)
ACMi, Jonathan Barbato
FRED-TV, Pauline McGrath
The Groton Sellers' Club, Bob Colman
Illest Villains, Dariush Ghaffari
Kneom Films, Jamie Moschella
Maquillage Films, Shaun Donahue
MLD, Nicholas Bradley
Moose Films, David Canfield
Playomatic, Allyson Baldwin
Red Dirt Productions, Brenda Neary
Robot and the Ready Readies, Stephen Wrobleski
SBSB, Jesse Stansfield
Team Torpor, David Baron
Group F (March 12, 9:30 p.m.)
The All Seeing Eye, Meaghan Bauer
Brainfox/In The Car, Brett Johnson
CFN Productions, Roach McKrackin
Clementine Crystal Studios, Joanne Elie
CS50, David Malan
Donkey Drives A Window, Nick Stevens
Farhat Farhat Productions, Richard Christine
Fat Foot Films, Ryan Convery
The Queer Narrative, Ahleea Zama
Interns with Glocks, Ryan Bennett
Sparkle Motion Pictures, Glen Weinstein
Two-Bit Pictures, Rick Desilets
Wax Idiotical Films, Kyp Pilalas
What Cheer, Ken Fleckenstein
Group G (screening date TBA)
Concord Woods Film, Christopher Alberto
Eponymous Films, Richard Hawke
Infinite Canvas, Jason Walsh
Viamali Films, Fabio Fernandes
Saturday, Mar 29, 2025 7:30p
New England Conservatory's Jordan Hall